Hi, I'm Lisa, here's where I come to share music. It's THE gift that keeps on giving, It knows how you feel, always. I'll also throw in some tasteless humor, and maybe a game or two. Let me know what you like, and what you don't.....You can also reach me at lisalane6349@gmail.com
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
I Think His Tractor's Sexy!
Ok, It's the lawn mower...LOL....He's smiling again! ...and I don't think it's the mower anyway!
; P
My glider on the back porch...we have a swing on the front, and a glider on the back. I have a stereo there as well, and was listening to Bobbie Gentry, while Ken was mowing, so I got out the camera and made a video of him.
I was going to post it. But as I was watching it, I realized I was singing...and I just could not do that to y'all!
; )
We like to play a little Backgammon,
I found a recipe for Grilled Red Potato, Blue Cheese and Bacon Salad, it sounds divine....would you like me to post it?
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Monday, June 27, 2016
Very Important Information....For Some
Florida Identity Theft Charges And Penalties + Statute Of Limitations
Florida Mortgage Fraud Charges And Penalties + Statute Of Limitations
I am just getting started...
You should quit while you are ahead!
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Good Morning

Enjoying my grandchildren this weekend!
I wish you as much joy and laughter as I will be having!
Friday, June 24, 2016
Thursday, June 23, 2016
C'mon....They Made Me Laugh!!!!

Challenge....I dare you to try at least two of these.....I am going to try several.....Poor Ken....LMAO!!!
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
New Game ALERT!!!
Name a song to play if you played dead, as yourself or someone else...you know...Possum, if you will....; P
(And that's putting it nicely!)
Thank you Mr. Gene for this selection and idea!
Good Morning!~~Who Can It Be Now???

I was surfing the web and low and behold....I found this....It is amazingly familiar..the face that is.....she looks EXACTLY like Holly Kerodin....Scammy's wife....yes, you know....the one we actually laid eyes on in court....She is a little heavier in the picture, than she was in court..so I guess she diets also, either that or I guess death will do that to ya!
Wow though, I have to say, she looks great for her age....68?? And that was in 2013 (Scammy must like older women) Nothing wrong with that...I guess that would make her what 70-71 now? Damn...you go girl!
Calgon, take her away...PLEASE!....or the FBI, it matters not! Take Scammy too! I would hate to break up a happy home!
Now, I have been quiet, and nice, and even made my blog private...and yet you persist....you are like ants at a picnic....but less fun. Please, I am asking you nicely, go away. Don't make me go any further with this....it won't be pretty.
Monday, June 20, 2016
Stone Machine (Long Playing)
Wanna Rock or Listen to some Blues....how 'bout a mix?
You are most welcome! ; )
Dirty And Left Out
Psalms 73:26
My flesh and my heart may fail,
But God is tbe strength of my heart and my portion forever.
Good Morning
Good Morning Everyone!
I am enjoying my coffee on the back porch....what a lovely way to start the day...listening to the birds sing and seeing the flowers in bloom.
God is Good!

Sunday, June 19, 2016
A Few Pictures...
I took a walk through my yard today, and this is what I saw....
24 tomato plants.....in this heat...stewed tomatoes!
I blew one up on the computer and looked closely at it...then I cropped it....and check this out....how cool!!! Do you see what I see?
This was just a short walk around....I really need to take more time and see what I can find....while I may not see it while taking the photo...when I blow them up on the computer...I am really surprised at what I find...what fun!
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