In the dim light of Tallywackers, a waiter named Gabe strips off his clingy red tank top with practiced ease and stands between two furry-faced men. They’ve stopped by this Dallas venue – marketed as a Hooters for women, but located in Oak Lawn, an upscale area known by locals as the Gayborhood – for lunch with a view. Flashing a broad smile and flirting a little, Gabe, 21, puts an arm around each guy and mugs into a camera. The two men smile sheepishly and cling to Gabe’s smooth torso.
The rest of the story is here --->>> Tallywackers
HisWiserAngel....how close is Dallas to your place? Can we go here for lunch? lmao!! Tallywackers....this is too funny, and it's for real....that is flippin great! Boxer briefs, my fav! Hahaha!
Hell To The Yes!
Honey, it's a gay hangout.
The Tallywackers wouldn't be interested in us at all.
But if you must, Dallas is 4 hours away.
Checkout 13th Floor, Dallas.
Hon, have you never went window shopping....doesn't mean you take anything home or spend any money, but you can sure as hell look at what's on display!!! Damn girl....think things through!!! Going to the 13th floor now....this better be good is all I can say.
Um No, I was talking window shopping, not swapping...but umm thanks.
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