This was suggested to me by a reader/listener as a New Game...yes I know....All of you are SOOOO excited, can't hardly wait to hear the deets....well hold on to your seats, cause you're in for a treat!

Everyone has that one song, or group, that you secretly listen to or enjoy but don't cop to publicly...maybe like Dancing Queen or The Carpenters, something one of you manly men, or biker dudes, tree cutting, telephone pole vaulting men, the brothers would just give you a hard time about and ain't no body got time for that, so forget about it songs! But still, you just happen to really like that song or group. This is a safe place. You can tell me...I won't tell anyone else...Promise! ; ) And hey, you could be a chick, and just really dig, Big Bad John or I Like Big Butts...hahaha... it just does it for ya...lmao....know what I mean?

So here is the game....Name The Tune....What is your Secret or Guilty Pleasure?.....Be Anonymous.....or.....think of it this way admission is the first step to C'mon guys and a friendly little game with me...Because I know some of you are REALLY REALLY shy......I will go first....
My Secret/Guilty Pleasure is...
It just puts a smile on my face every time I hear it...and then there is this one...
Now it's your turn...Let's have a little fun, give up the goods!
Whatchoo Actin' Shy Fo? ; P
Give it to me, I'm Worth It!
Cracking myself up Gotta listen to the song to get it...
OK I like this one too...I was never ever gonna give this one up...but you made me do it..."I Feel Pretty"
Everyone who knows me knows I'm an old world metalhead.
Very few know how extensive my album and CD collection is.
Here are 2 of my many non-metal favorites:
Some Smokey and then
A little Commodores
Wonderful Guilty Pleasures Sedition! When that Commodores album came out, my family lived in Japan...and I bought it at the was played over and over....and the song choice from it tells must have a bit of a romantic heart...and that is a nice thing! Kudos to you sir!
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