For Christmas one year a woman decided to have Boudoir Photos made for her husband. Of course the photographer told her she would airbrush and take out any blemishes, her client was happy with that.
When the husband received the photos, he commented that really they were quite lovely, but he didn't really care for them. When his wife asked him why, he stated " When she took away your stretch marks, you took away the children we share, when she took away your wrinkles, she eliminated the last 20 years we have spent together, struggling through the hard times and celebrating the good times." Of course his wife cried, feeling the love in his words.....
My question to the men reading this......
Would you like your wife's Boudoir pictures airbrushed or not? Was he sincere?
Would YOU want your wife to have those kinds of photos taken just for you?
We know most men like to view young firm nude, or almost nude women...we are talking of a 40+ woman in this story...c'mon play the game with me....and....the next part of the question....no matter your age now, but at your current age....older model or newer model .....which is your preference?

Ah geez, Miss Lisa, you're asking us to get all girlie and get in touch with our feelings and put them out there for the world to see. Okay, now, I'm in no way a girlie man. I'd probably best be described as a shorter, somewhat older,cleaned up, trimmed, non-tatted and less articulate version of Wirecutter. So I'm secure enough in my manhood to put it out there. No, I wouldn't want an airbrushed picture. That wouldn't be her. We just celebrated our 42nd this past Tuesday, so we've pretty much been together forever. When I see old photos of when she was young I don't see her. I see someone that a different guy married. When I look at her now, I see the one that I married who has always looked the way she does now. Does that make any sense?
Okay, now that I'm getting all metrosexual, here is a nice little video for you. It's called "Lila", but I think that was a misprint. I prefer to think of it as "Lisa" since this is the way that I imagine Ken pictures you. It's really worth the 9 minutes time it takes to watch. I'm not going to watch it again until I run out to the store for a box of tissues..............
hmmm, good one.....i think we see what we want to see, so no touch up. as to younger or older, it doesn't matter to me as long as they are "real" and not some playboy photo shoot contrived pose. an in-shape older woman (not skinny)def gets my attention though. something about it that commands respect and therefor attraction.
I like women just the way G_D made 'em. Looks are temporary. Heart is forever. Real ugly cant be airbrushed. A woman worth my time doesn't need it. EVERYTHING that counts is on the inside. Cute and evil or crazy is still just evil or crazy. You cannot airbrush that out. ---Ray
Miss Lisa,
I keep a picture on my bench, at work, of my wife and I from when we first met.
In the picture she is cute & perky with a devilish smile. (think Meg Ryan).
Now, 20 yrs later, she's a little heavier. I few more life lines and gray hairs.
But in my eyes she's still sexy, sassy & beautiful.
I'd rather a picture of the real her.
-Al B.
It's a wonderful thing to see that you men agree with the gentleman in the story, and are willing and capable of expressing that...thank you. I think that's a glorious thing.
Thank you taminator013...I am left to interpret that on my own.....but thank you, it was most beautiful in my eyes...a major compliment.
Just in case any of you came back to see if I commented....let me say, after thinking about your responses...
taminator013, Congratulations!...42 years together...what a major blessing..truly inspiring. I like that you have visions of her as she is now, rather than then...you truly see "her"...sigh : )
riverrider...I like that you see what you want...and like that she "commands respect", or that's what you notice..nice.
Ray, I like the fact that you recognize crazy and evil can come in some pretty nice looking packages..true beauty and grace is internal and shines outward..that's just awesome...
Al B. I find it interesting, and somewhat comforting, that what you still visualize is her being sassy & sexy and simply beautiful.
I think for me..I have one more question of each of you...if you will indulge me....
Have you shared them with HER lately, these thoughts? She would love to hear them...I know, because simply reading your answers, my heart quickened and tears formed in my eyes..and a smile turned my lips up. Thank you.
Just like a woman. More questions............
Yes, I have told her and try to show her.
As to the "Lila" thing as it applies to you: You seem to try to bring a little color and happiness into peoples drab lives with your art, music and more than a little bit of mischief. You also see the beauty and possibility of things. Like your love of abandoned buildings. I get the distinct impression that this is some of what Ken sees in you. Just my opinion...............
Okay, enough girlie man stuff. I need to go out and kill something.........
taminator013, you know, I am starting to like you a lot...as a nice guy friend...even tho you said I play too much girlie music....yeah I read that somewhere..hmph. Anyway..lol...I figured with 42 years under your belt...you were lettin her know...I have a little story..I will make it brief, cause it's yes a bit girlie as well...Ken is not big on the compliments...not an issue usually...but as I am sure you have heard...I have eye issues...so when I make the concentrated effort to apply makeup these days...as a woman, I would like to hear...wow honey...you look great...doesn't happen..ok movin on...but one day...long long ago....ken looked into my eyes...(when they had makeup on them) and told me he could get lost in them...lol...seriously tho....anyway...been a long time comin on the compliments...k....so one day, I am sitting somewhere in the house, and Ken comes in the room and stops and says Wow Lisa, I really like that silver in your hair...I shit you NOT! HE doesn't notice the EFFORT, but the lack of...because I stopped doing the makeup, I can't see well enough to attempt it anymore...and the dyeing my hair...well, I have this vision of long lustrous locks of silver, so that is my goal...so I stopped with the coloring....and he notices...well he likes antiques, old ghost towns, old bones, pelts, rusty nails...and grey hair...Amen! Love is in the air....thanks for listening.
29 years now. I guess I do something right--Ray
Ha! Good story. Leave it to a man...........
Ray, Congratulations...29 years, I guess you did sir!
I am newly married--3 months now. My wife and I are both 50. At that age, we both wear the scars of having lived life; I can step back and see these things. I of course have seen pictures of her when she was younger--she was a stunning young woman, but I don't know who she is.
An astounding number of beautiful young women hate their bodies. They are unable to see through their own eyes what others find obvious. My wife has matured past all that. Confidence is the ultimate beauty treatment, and it can only be bought with time.
I love my wife the way she is.
Antibubba, welcome, and congratulations on your marriage! May you two have a long, happy and healthy union.
It is true, that it seems to take maturity to come to terms with body image...or for a lot of women it does. All of those societal pressures we have tried to live up to for eons. Although I am sure some never do, and that is sad. I also agree that confidence is key...in a man or a woman. See men and women really don't think so differently after all...lol
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