I started this little blog up a few years ago, and played with it, then thought naw this isn't going to be for me. You know open mouth...insert foot. Then I thought well maybe if I limited it to certain topics, number of posts a day on those topics..but I am not that regimented of a person. I wanted it a place I could be free to be me. So I let it just sit, I listened to my music, and did other things.
So I decided to try again after two years...and decided music...that's what I wanna do, and other things as they come up and feel right. But mainly music, it has made my blood pump since I was a little girl, it holds markers of my life, can tell the story, I often think of a song as a response to something someone says before a grammatically correct sentence.
I also hoped that in doing this I would with luck have interaction with others out there in this big old world, and would be turned on to something new and interesting that they are listening to, or just something interesting,
My hopes have brought much laughter, many interesting factoids of musical history, interesting people of distinction, new music, much grinning, a few moments of frustration, and sincere regret. All of these "new" things I consider gifts, and I thank you. One of the best gifts is that I was told about a radio station, that on Saturday nights, plays a great program and I should check it out.....well, check it out I did. It is fantastic! I have been listening to it for about a month now...and have been posting songs from it, I have even purchased a few cd's after hearing the artist there and then checking them out on Spotify and Youtube. Now I want to share this little gem with you...You will feel as if you are sitting in the rocker on the front porch and your family and friends are all there, with their banjos, guitars, triangles, fiddles, mandolins...this is just beautiful music...I welcome you to check it out as I did, and I hope you find the same enjoyment in it,
On the top left of the page, you simply click on Listen Live....and you will be able to hear this purely delightful sound!
You might like to check this station:
Mountain music etc.
About the only NPR I can stand...
Thank you!
Aaahhh, I've just died and gone to hillbilly hell........................
I have been visiting Wirecutter for some time now, and comment there occasionally. I rediscovered your site on his recommendation. (Thanks Kenny!). As with Kenny's site, I spent some time looking at older posts to scope out the general attitude before posting comments, and found kindred souls at both of your sites.
Thank you for providing this forum, I really enjoy my visits here.
I hope my half-baked contributions are in the spirit of what you want to accomplish.
Carry on, Lisa!
Your friend,
=T.W.=, The interaction that I get with you and taminator013 is exactly what I was hoping to find with this blog...you are both intelligent kind men who are educating me further with music, the true love of my life...there used to be another pigpen51...and for some reason, he stopped coming by, I was sorry to see him go, but then you started stopping in...but I really really enjoy the exchange of music, and the humor that t013 throws at me too...I am housebound alot and this truly entertains me....so I thank you for coming by this quickly put together site..and helping make it something I have found to be entertaining, and educational for me..I am diggin it!!! There are others that comment, and I enjoy them as well, they just aren't as frequent...but really quality it much better than quantity!
And thank YOU =T.W.=, I am honored! It truly is my pleasure!
Hey, T.W., mom likes me best....................
You are sooooo funny! You are like the special little snowflake t013...lmao!
@ t013
Sez you.
You were the rebellious one. I was the good-looking one.
Hahaha....that's right you tell him T! Don't let him get away with that tom foolery! LOL! By the way I am officially hooked on Blackmoore's Night...thank you!! : )
Yeah, T.W., you were the good looking one, so you could always get away with everything. I wasn't the one that was always sneaking Pa's corn liquor right out of the still. I just got blamed all the time.........
Are you still whining t013? Thought we broke you of that with that sugar tit,,,,lmao!!!
Now you're bringing back fond memories. I always liked those........
once again...I am laughin'!
Don't listen to him Lisa.
He's the one who fed me Pa's corn likker.
Kind of a rough trick to pull on a four year old...
You two are silly, sounds to me like you both found Pa's corn likker....
I guess I shouldn't have put the nipple on the spout..........
You don't put a nipple on it...you put a teaspoon full of sugar in the middle of a washcloth, then draw it up around the sugar, wrap a rubber band around it a few times....get the tip of it wet...and off to the corner you shall go...now be good!
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