Thursday, April 28, 2016

Just Me...Good Morning

It has come to my attention, that I am the topic of conversation at a particular site...and therefor am being defended...graciously I might add by others.  I would first like to address those that are defending me...I thank you, but truly, there is no need.  You see, I am secure in who and what I am.  I have lived 52 and a half years with ups and downs, ins and outs, struggles and celebrations...and this little issue...well, it doesn't worry me at all.  So please, I appreciate your kindness...but it is not necessary.  I have asked that my husband not address the idiot currently known as Christian (Scammy) Kerodin.

Now I have stayed out of this MESS, with the exception of making 2 posts after the last court date.  One was rather distasteful and nasty, and I left it up for an hour and then took it down because frankly it is not my style, and it shamed I removed it.  I also wrote an apology for it....I also posted letting everyone know that the court case was over and that we were victorious in both of them.  Of course we would be, because they were frivolous and unfounded. Period.  Other than that....I have stayed out of it.   I support my husband.  He is the head of my home, my family, I follow his lead, will lend an ear and moral support if he requires it...but I do not interfere in mens business.  Some may find that archaic...that is your right....this is mine.

Now we come to the issue at hand.  I am being called names like slug, fat slug, FSA (free shit army) just generally negative terms....of endearment I am sure...but none the less I feel the need to address them.

1. By many standards, yes I am fat....although, I consider myself a work in progress, as we all should in my opinion.  But my worth is not determined by the size of my clothes.  But by the integrity of my person, the honesty and sincerity of my heart and mind.  By the heartfelt affection that I treat the people with in my life.  It most definitely is NOT determined by Sam Kerodin!  I'll post pics at the end of the post for your viewing pleasure...or to throw darts at...either way, I am ok with it...I value myself....if nothing else....believe THAT!

2. I do not need my husband or anyone to defend me....I do not need to hide behind anyone...rather they wear a skirt or pants....Sam, I ask you, can you say the same? I think not!  I personally witnessed you hide behind your wife...and she did a bang up job as an actress too...I mean she really did try to pull it off for you..but guess what...EPIC FAIL DUDE!  But I will say...her skirt, while pretty...kind of old lady looking.  Just my opinion.

3. While I do have medical issues, it is true. Honestly...since you don't care a whit about me, they are simply none of your damn business.  The SSI I do receive, I paid in.  You see, I have worked full time since I was 15 years old.  Do you know what a full time job is?  I would be happy to submit my resume to you but again frankly I don't believe you are qualified to read it.  I understand you deal mainly in FICTION...with a fixation on things that you WISH you had at some point in your miserable, criminal life had accomplished.  I have a suggestion for you....since you seem to have so much time on your hands that you want to talk about my weight....Learn what honesty, respect, sincerity, valor, humility, intelligence, integrity really are....Learn what it really takes to be a man.  Try to get a job...a real one....Not one that extorts money from companies, or scams people out of money...but put in a 40 to a 60 hour week, and then cash that pay check and pay the bills you can.  Make it work, stretch, budget.

4.  Finally.  Stop hiding behind Holly's skirts.  Now some say she is the mastermind....I don't know....drama queen far, I just don't see that....neither of you are the sharpest knife in the drawer...and yes, I used that reference, because I know you have a preference for know belt buckle range and all that silly stuff about getting wet....really, play time is over....Get off my playground.  I don't like you.

 I was cleaning house this day. Last minute goodbyes.

Just us...

 Guess what we did...

It's us again...think he likes me?

 Yup...I like me!
Me and my baby sister.

Bethanie and me, goodbye party.

Rachel, my sister in law and I.

Aunt Sharon and I were leaning on the                     stove....Hot Chicks!!! : P

My cousin Donita, Jimmie,Ken and I, another goodbye luncheon.

At Billy The Kids Grave 

We had such a wonderful time with this really special friend of OURS....So take your nasty rumors Sam....and do what you will, because you cannot steal my tried...and once again...


Anonymous said...

You and your family are awesome and beautiful in so many ways. I'm so happy that you know that. Scammy isn't worth pissing on. I'm so glad that everyone knows that. Thank you and Kenny. When y'all get to tn...I'd love to take you both to lunch ...or come on down to northwest Alabama for willow fly hatch. Awesome and easy fly fishing. Love it, thanks for all you both do. You are appreciated and very well thought of. Shan

Unknown said...

Well said. Folks that throw stones usually are not comfortable with themselves. Scammy says he owns himself. If he really believes that he probably wishes he could return the purchase.

Bushwack said...

High road is all yours, the bottom feeders can nip at your feet but they do no damage and are easily squashed.

hiswiserangel said...

Love you, Sis!

Grog said...

Ahh, so that's why Ken posted his comment about you getting insulted and he won't forget it, I wasn't sure of the back story until I read your comments and the comments at MDV just a few minutes ago.

Sedition said...

With heart-felt dedication to little Sammy:

ps. Not safe for work, plants, animals, childern, mold, birds, fish, microbes, the environment, or horsies.

matt from texas said...

You look great to me !--and congrats on the safe move. Ft Sumner is an interesting little town!

David Forward said...

You go gal! That was an outstanding handling of an unsavory, despicable human being. It's a good thing that God loves all of His Creation or poor Sammy and Holly would be without any outside love.

Best of luck for both you and Ken...may God Bless you both and keep you happy and safe.

drjim said...

Good to hear you two are finally OUT of Kommiefornia!

Must feel great to be free....

The wife and I will be escaping from here in less than 18 months, and we can hardly wait......

GruntOfMonteCristo said...

Glad you made the trip. Sweet Jebus, I was so busy working I didn't even know you started up again! I musta missed about 100 posts! Nice work there, Lady! Oh, and FU to Sammy.

GamegetterII said...

Obviously Scammy doesn't have anything better to do than post anon comments to himself so he can pick on those he believes took his source of income away from him.
Ignore him-be yourself,you're happy with you-we're all happy with you just as you are,so is Wirecutter.
The general feelings about Scammy are that no one would piss on him if he was on fire.
He tried using the cops/the state to go after Kenny and JC Dodge-and it backfired on him.
None of his scams are gonna work any more-too many people know Scammy is only in it for Scammy-he doesn't give a flying f*ck about anyone else-if it doesn't benefit him in some way-he's not helping anyone.
Ignore him and his 3 followers-or is it 2 followers,and Sammy posting comments to himself?

Livin to Ride said...

ya know i'm really really starting to like you...LOL

who am i bullshittin.... i liked ya before this post..

now tell me-- is that cute redhead ANGEL ;-)

Unknown said...

You are so funny Livin....I like you too! And yes...that cute redhead...that my friend is Angel! : P

Unknown said...

Thank you everyone for you kind may now resume your dart throwing...lmao...just kiddin' all rock!

hiswiserangel said...

You mean the crazy woman with the fresh out of the asylum hairdo?
Yup, that's me!

Unknown said...

I love your hair...mine is sooo straight...wish I had your curl!

Sedition said...

I just wish I had my hair back!
Days in the 20s and 30s are bad days to be a bald man.

Unknown said...

Bald men are sexy...don't let anyone tell you different!

Sedition said...

I'm too sexy for my hair.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Unknown said...

That's the way you do it...Money for nothing...Sexy for free! : P Look at that~