Friday, May 13, 2016

I Won't.....


BarbaCat said...

Hey, thanks for the side bar blog mention!
I've decided not to have one, but H/T's get a blog link.

Unknown said...

My pleasure...all the way round!

Granny said...

If someone is jealous enough of you to be hurtful, it doesn't make it true.
This is a hard lesson to learn, as the hurt feelings block logic. If someone calls you a green haired, bowlegged, hairy assed wombat; does that make it true? Of course not. Bear that image in mind the next time a bully has a spray. It works for me and they don't know why I'm grinning.

Unknown said... are a gem! Thank you...and I will keep that image in my head. Honestly tho, as strong of a woman as I think I I know I am...sometimes, the ugliness of others does hurt, then I find myself scurrying to try and protect those I count as friends...because if I am the target, they may choose to make those I call friend so as well, and I find I am somewhat humiliated that they too would see the trash.that was written about me...I am but a lowly human...